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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
White Resistance to the Civil Rights Movement Essay Example for Free
White Resistance to the Civil Rights Movement Essay All through Reconstruction, southern whites felt continually compromised by enactment giving rights to previous slaves. The Civil Rights Bill of 1875 was the last rights bill passed by congress during remaking. It ensured all Americans’ (counting blacks) access to open facilities, for example, trains. With the danger of complete equity continually approaching, brutality toward previous slaves steadily expanded in the years following the Civil War. Beatings and murders were submitted by composed gatherings like the Ku Klux Klan, wild hordes, and individual white southern men. During Reconstruction, white southerners had restricted administrative force, so they turned to viciousness so as to control African-Americans. Despite the fact that the facts confirm that a few whites grasped the possibility of another interracial scene for America, a lot more responded with threatening vibe. They dreaded social and political change, and were truly awkward with the way that their old lifestyle appeared to be away for acceptable. Despite the fact that there were numerous types of gigantic protection from the Civil Rights Movement and a big motivator for it, the effect of white opposition, both brutal and peaceful, on this period in America’s history is genuinely vast. There are two insightful works that not just follow the white obstruction development with recorded precision, yet additionally stress the situation that African Americans felt at this turbulent time ever. The books that I am alluding to are â€Å"Massive Resistance: The White Response to the Civil Rights Movement†by George Lewis, and â€Å"Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right in the Civil Rights Era†By Clive Webb. In spite of the fact that these works are both expounded on a similar period ever, they portray very different perspectives concerning white opposition and what welcomed it on. The â€Å"southern method of life†enveloped particular blends of monetary, social, and social practices. Along these lines, joining of African Americans into regular daily existence didn't come without opposition. In this paper I plan to decipher and analyze these two academic books, while clarifying the job of the states and the government just as individual gatherings in the movement and possible discontinuity of these white opposition developments. The primary thing that can be seen after looking at George Lewiss book â€Å"Massive resistance†is its spread picture. It is a photo of primary younger students and ladies challenging integration in New Orleans in 1960. The fundamental focal point of the image portrays two ladies shouting boisterously along a walkway. Next to them, a youthful student holds a banner that peruses: All I need for Christmas is a spotless white school. Other ladies and kids remain out of sight. One individual is holding a banner that alludes to states rights, as others look toward the road. Two ladies are going to the occasion wearing cloths and stylers, showing that they perhaps had hurried out of their homes to participate in the mornings exercises. Over the scene is the books title, Massive Resistance. To a peruser who may be new to the general subject of this book, the cover’s text and picture may represent to some degree an inconsistency. What individuals neglect to consider is that huge opposition didn't exclusively add up whatever is noticeable in the photo on the books spread. This doesn't delineate all that disrupted the general flow of African-Americans battling to pick up their social liberties. Ladies and kids shouting from walkways with banners was one of numerous reactions utilized by American Southerners contrary to integration. In his book, George Lewis uncovers the numerous manners by which southerners approached these demonstrations of huge obstruction. All through the book, Lewis follows the recorded development of the term ‘massive resistance’ and investigates the assortment of settings wherein it was completed. In talking about the job of Senator Harry Flood of Virginia, just as components of the broad communications, Lewis uncovers the numerous causes and entertainers in the demonstrations of gigantic opposition. From the start, monstrous obstruction was the reaction of various components of white society in the South, contrary to the governments intends to integrate southern culture. Lewis releases numerous verifiable clarifications that saw huge opposition as just being done by southern political elites. He likewise excuses that the opposition just happened at the notable locales of segregationist fights, for example, Little Rock, Ole Miss and Birmingham. The creator likewise talks about exercises happening at the grassroots level, which uncovers that the development of southern white obstruction was various. With respect to the start of the development, Lewis dismisses the possibility that the Supreme Courts Brown choice was the main occasion that began enormous obstruction. He expresses that refering to Brown as the single impetus shows that numerous researchers have misread the development. He accepts that the development was more mind boggling than that. As a nebulous brute, huge opposition must be seen as a wonder that was excessively rambling, and essentially not adequately loyal, to have been guided into reality by a solitary milestone occasion (24). Lewis isolates the development into three recorded times of obstruction action, and afterward analyzes various manners by which it was shown. He investigates each stage part by section. By doing this, he covers numerous viewpoints, for example, the strategies utilized in different states, the job of the Souths political tip top and Citizens Councils, the activities of state governing bodies, the job of the broad communications, and white legitimizations for their biased approaches (they consider it a result of long-standing southern culture and convention). The main time of center covers the quick years following the Brown choice of 1954 up until the marking of the Southern Manifesto, which flagged the beginning of the second time of obstruction. At long last, the third time frame incorporated the primary portion of the sixties, which is the point at which the development continuously lost its quality at the political and social levels. Webb’s documentation of this noteworthy timeframe gives an unmistakable difference to Lewis. In â€Å"Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right in the Civil Rights Era,†Clive Webb portrays the narratives of five white radicals who directed war against reconciliation with extraordinary despise. The reason for Webb’s work is to survey the causes, qualities, and results of far-right activism in the South from the 1950s to the 1960s (p. 2). Webb contends that these men were not outrageous variations from the norm, however that they spoke to something profoundly established in the American political culture, which is something found in todays resurgent far right (p. 214). Out of the five men Webb profiles, two concentrated their energies on battling school integration and entered their objective networks as outcasts (Bryant Bowles and John Kasper), two of them were previous military men who endeavored numerous ineffective crusades for political office and energized brutality as a fundamental way to shield their country (John Crommelin and Edwin A.Walker), and one was the most savagely over the top supremacist produced by huge obstruction who filled in as lawful resistance for guilty parties of against social liberties savagery, was suspected in bombings and murders, and furthermore established the framework for contemporary white loathe associations (p. 153). To fuel savagery, these self-announced deliverers of the white race likewise made whites dread dark men going after white ladies. At long last, in spite of the fact that the men indicated a great deal of variety in their accounts, they were comparative in that they all created enemy of dark positions, despite the fact that they had little information on or association with blacks. In this work, Webb shows how neighborhood political settings formed these men’s victories and disappointments. He likewise shows how these five men and the associations that they were partnered with influenced the general course of gigantic opposition. He gives proof of the manners by which backing of free discourse made a surprising association between the extreme right and far left. He calls the men and the associations and activities they were subsidiary fear monger, making an increasingly contemporary perspective on the circumstance. These five men were alienated and more than once captured during the social liberties time, and yet they were empowered by the help of white elites. While monstrous resisters kept on pursueing their plan all through this wide timeframe, powers that were associated with the battle for social liberties and integration tested the regulated arrangement of bigotry that had perpetually been the standard in the South. Their endeavors alongside the responsibility of the government prompted the entry of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Thus, isolation and political disappointment of African-Americans in the South were illicit. The two works by Lewis and Webb give totally various portrayals of enormous obstruction by southern whites during this period, while as yet passing on comparative messages. In the wake of exploring these two books, I have left away with a more clear comprehension of the powers and elements that involved the monstrous opposition development. Sources: Lewis, G. (2006). Monstrous opposition: The white reaction to the social liberties development. London, England: Bloomsbury, USA. Webb, C. (2010). Riffraff rousers: The American far right in the social equality time. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Regulation of the Media in the UAE
Guideline of the Media in the UAE Presentation Anybody look for a general portrayal of opportunity of appearance and the press since the Arab Awakening that began in 2011 may want to decipher my topicalarticle distributed in Jadaliyya. The examination investigate the moves taken in Arab nations since the aggravations around the regionâ€particularly the reasonable activities taken by governments. The outcome is somewhat demoralizing, dominatingly from the country’s that haven’t yet observed any political change. The greater part of these nations utilize the ensuing lawful techniques to undermine columnists and online life activists: unlawful slander, â€Å"affront the ruler†charges, laws against â€Å"counterfeit communication,†limitation to ensure open request, and the authorizing of writers. Long periods of government fear based oppression have made a â€Å"culture of repression.†Here is the area about this issue: Nevertheless, perchance the greatest restriction to Arab news coverage (and, once more, pardon me for talking in all inclusive statements) is the outcome of long periods of persecution on the calling. Numerous columnists just recognize that they can't carry out their responsibilities fittingly and have submitted to the circumstance. Others, who have been prominent to places of expert in Arab newsrooms, have gotten adept at editing the writers under them. In countless conversations with writers in the Arab world, I’ve heard that editors regularly car ry out the responsibilities of government authorities by death the tales they sense may grounds inconvenience. Legal executive closes UAE paper: A United Nations human rights epicurean said on Wednesday that the United Arab Emirates’ judges is under the genuine control of the countries administrative branch, including that the organization should allow self-overseeing examinations concerning announce of trouble if it doesnt need its image to persevere. The preliminary disclosures by the UN Special Rapporteur on the sway of judges and legal advisors offer an extraordinary show up into the Gulf Emirates lawful structure. She said she discovered sensible instances of detainee who were kept incommunicado for quite a long time, presented to huge temperatures, and sometimes shocked. The UAE, home to contemporary high rises and taking off universal desire, values being a multi-ethnic center with urban areas like Dubai that draw experts from around the globe. In any case, a few assets dispose of radiance on the strains in the Emirates between cosmopolitan progression and the countries legitimate structure. Various interest Westerners whose cases are frequently more uncovered than the Emirates’ critical populace of South Asians running in development. A US subject was held for nine months for his situation in an online animation include about youth society in Dubai. In a substitute case, a Norwegian lady who announced she had been attacked was judgment to 16 months in prison for engaging in sexual relations outside marriage. Her sentence was at last dropped, however the case penetrating to more extensive worry of customary perspectives on sex and liquor. Explanatory investigation report on opportunity of emirate press: Abroad columnists operational in the United Arab Emiratesâ maintain that the specialists are broiling press opportunity. A senior writer who has been situated in Dubai for the point of reference eight years stated: Its sub-par than its at any point been. Journalists at boss news organizations have been recounted to avoid composing critical anecdotes about the UAEs money related framework. Two days prior a writer working for Bloombergwas caught on entrance a Dubaiâ airport and, following a two-hour addressing about his work, was cautioned to be cautious. These episodes approaches as the UAE arranged on the edge of embracing a unique media law that, as indicated by the New York-based Human Rights Watch, will scratch free appearance. It explicitly denies the magazine of stories that are thought harming to the across the country money related framework. A British writer working in Dubai who requested that I safeguard his namelessness said that the UAE is pulling back from the first and reluctant pack opportunity advances of the past.Everything was very well when the reduction was flourishing on the grounds that the tales about Dubai and Abu Dhabi were all positive, he said. Presently the downturn is uncovering accounts of business untruthfulness that connect with Emirati authorities, and the specialists look at that as unsuitable. The senior columnist, an American who likewise spine on the thoughtful that I would not uncover his uniqueness, concurred. He said There is a different between an approach planned for empowering a free press and the legitimacy on the ground.It is thought that 1,000 remote columnists are situated in the UAE. A significant number of them in work for the most significant offices, such asReuters, APandAFP.Dow Jonesalone has a staff of 16. Overall TV channels, such asCNBC, are likewise encircled by the media organizations that have gathers to Dubais media city, a business house set up in 2000, as the sheikdom appeared to be prepared to nestle western-style opportunities. Writers presently assume that the proposed law, which is pending presidential support, is an undertaking to push over from past changes. It is examination to be the result of worries by authorities who abandon the pack limited body, the national media board (NMC). In an announcement posted on the official Emirates, the NMC keeps up, the modern draft law represent a groundbreaking advance forward regarding pack opportunity in the UAE. It puts together its conflict with respect to the data that the law evacuates all direction to imprison sentences and furthermore decreases the quantity of offenses under the law that can draw monetary punishments. Be that as it may, this cuts humble ice with writers. It doesn't take out all punishments, said the British writer. We can unmoving be fined for what we record. He explained that sort out by the NMC is polished through hallowed selection and approving duties. In case we join to this law we will be required not to form anything negative to the national venture. Regardless, what are measures? It would place us in an immense position. Under the proposed law, fines up to about  £100,000 can be constrained for pass on misleading news that harms the national economy. It moreover consolidates fines of up to  £1m for culpable pieces of the lawmaking body and the choice posse. The two journalists also talked about the likelihood of extended control toward oneself, declaring that close by news sources have continually went without disseminated stories that could shock managing specialists. By and by the forces are going for cajoling all inclusive media into getting a practically identical practice. They similarly demonstrate the information on The National, the state-asserted broadsheet paper disseminated in Dubais neighboring sheikdom, Abu Dhabi that is adjusted by past Daily Telegraph boss, Martin Newland. On the other hand, the pair has through and through various thoughts about the manner in which the paper works. The British reporter acknowledges that Newland plays a watchful redirection with specialists by appearing to keep up impediments anyway sneaking in material that would be seen as ignitable. In any case, the American journalist is far harsher in his judgment. It falls in line, he said. It looks stunning, giving the nearness of being a certifiable, upstanding paper. On the other hand, would it say it is skeptical of Abu Dhabis supreme group? Never does it investigate the political structure? No. Has it served to make a free media condition? No. â€Å"both feature writers similarly acknowledge the UAEs rulers are strongly sensitive to criticism in western media. Approval forces on paper uncalled for or discretionary: The day by day paper in a report, said the decision is in contradict against the late emotional consents constrained on it and its director by the press authoritative body, the Conseil National de la Press (CNP). The day by day paper furthermore censured the CNP for not discharging its request out and out. The Management of Lintelligent dabidjan wishes to provoke its scrutinizes and associates, specialists of the division and furthermore the general populace, both neighborhood and worldwide, that the every day paper wont appear until further see in disagree against the approvals constrained on it by the authoritative body which are by and large carelessness of the prevailing laws, said the report gave and set apart by Alafã © Wakili, executive and genuine illustrative of Socef-Ntic, distributers of the day by day paper. The CNP on July 25 suspended Lintelligent dabidjan for 12 dispersions because of the refusal of Wakili, to adjust to the request of the Council in regards to assessm ents concerning a case including him and the past regulating publication chief of the day by day paper, Youssouf Tour. As demonstrated by the organization of the every day paper, the decision to suspend creations is the beginning of a course of action of exercises and exercises went for searching for change for the various off the mark suspensions. Around twelve media affiliations and essayists have been fined various wholes of money or suspended not long from now alone. On February, the CNP again suspended the Le Monde d Abidjan every day paper for a quarter of a year. Then again, even before a bit of the every day papers and essayists could serve their suspensions or hardly in the wake of serving it, the CNP on April 14, gave a decree suspending Aujourdhui, Soir Info, Le Quotidien dabidjan, (which was restricted in January 20, for two months), Le Temps day by day papers and the consistently Bã'lkotch. The MFWA notes with concern the consistent fines constrained on media affiliations and editorialists in the country. In as much as the affiliation respects crafted by the CNP in bringing capable standards up in the media, the fines have a capacity of cowing the media as it is clear by the choi
Thursday, August 6, 2020
When Friends Become Family
When Friends Become Family I am not sure about the rest of you guys, but when it comes to me I have a good amount of friends, but more often than not they are simply acquaintances. However, I do have a very small amount of special people in my life I can consider true friends. There are those people in your life that you respond to questions like “Did you think my mixtape was fire†with something like “haha that was honestly as hot as MIT will be in December, I am going to go get some food. Do you want some? Wait, nevermind, get your own food…… Oh and I took your iphone earlier because my phone was dead….. And I dropped your phone in the toilet. Sorry…. But not really.†Now obviously if someone is like that to their “friends†we have two different definitions of the word. However, you know what I mean. They are simply people you can just be comfortable around because you have been so close for so long. You can talk about anything for hours, or you can say nothing and it isn’t awkward. Those people you can genuinely say are friends. Normally this category stayed around something like 1-3 people for me. It was never a large number due to the fact that I moved quite often so, I never really got the chance to get superrrr close to people. This didn’t mean I didn’t have friends ( I did, I was insanely popular ;) ), but I just wasn’t that close to that many people. In all honesty, I thought things would be the exact same when I came to MIT. I would have a good amount of friends that I could go get lunch with, or maybe have a decent conversation with, but that’s not what I got at all. I would put these families into two groups: My dorm family and my new brotherhood. For you guys that don’t know I live in the #1 dorm on all of MIT campus #BURTONCONNERORDEATH lolllll…. The best and only way I can describe Burt Conner is that it is the building equivalent of Barney Stinson (If you haven’t watched How I Met Your Mother you really should stop here take a few minutes and watch every episode). It seems very nice being on west campus snugly between Baker and New House, and you walk up to it like oh this seems like a nice building, but the more you slowly realize it is wayyy more than what you see at first. It is made up of basically any and every personality, and has the potential to take on each of these personalities to get the girl (in this case the girl here in this “quickly becoming complicated†metaphor is graduating from MIT. Think about it for a sec….. It makes sense just don’t think about it too much.) (Sadly, this post isn’t really about Burton Conner as a whole. However, if that is what you are looking for check out this link). Alright, I kind of got off on a tangent in that last paragraph, but I am back now lol…. My family that’s what I was talking about. Haha……. Okay yeah sooooo what you realize when you get to MIT is that you will never grow closer to a person, or people, than when you are up at 3 in the morning working on an 18.02 pset that has decided not to let you sleep. There is something special about a common struggle at an uncommon time. When these two factors come together something happens. People become genuine. It is wayyyy to early in the morning to keep up a “oh hi there I don’t know you that well†façade. In addition, there is still a common goal. This common goal brings together people when they are truly open. No longer do we respond with “Of course I will help you move your 5 room apartment at 7am, because we aren’t that close and that’s what friends are for.†Instead you get things like “lol oh look Ben is trying to make a video let’s all wave our hands throu gh the camera†-___________- lol it is at these times when I am sleepy, slightly hungry, tad bit annoyed, and a little bit weird that I have come to grow closer with my floor than I have gotten with people that I have known for 20 times as long. I have truly come to love my floor, plain and simple, they have become my family and I wouldn’t replace that for any amount of sleep hahaha. My Family: Pay close attention to the back wall. If you see any artistic differences as you scroll down. They are due to this girl. I am wearing flip flops because the rain socked my socks. I dont know what you want me to do. I like to call this picture MIT students in their natural habitat What p-sets will do to you.. Lol jk this is what happens when you try to skateboard. Late night hacking anyone???? Long story short We had a fire drill and I dont have to explain myself, Burton 2 is killing this picture. Again. I dont have to explain myself As I said it was this girl B2 getting together for the newest episode of the Big Bang Theory. My only problem with this show is the fact that it is based at CalTech -_- The amazing floor Master Natasha and her equally awesome boyfriend. If 2 years from now I am a rolling ball of fat you can thank this person right here :P The snapchat says enough about what is happening here. How he thinks about crossword puzzles. Frat. Fraternity. Whatever, I never thought I would join one. I never really considered myself that kind of guy. Maybe I would hang out with one from time to time, but I just never thought it was my lifestyle. However, here I am, a pledge of the illustrious Phi Kappa Theta. Based on my super legit MIT level statistics and data 93.67e142p788i percent of MIT guys don’t have any intention of being in a fraternity when the time comes around, but to your surprise you will realize is that MIT does not match the stereotype of fraternities at all. Now don’t get me wrong there are a billion options no matter what kind of frat culture you are looking for MIT can offer you something. “Now Ben what kind of weird metaphor do you have for Phi Kappa Theta (PKT)?†Well little one I have a perfect metaphor. And it is this: Is it Iron Man is it Captain America???? Who knows???? Lol anyway the point I am getting at is that PKT is a mix of being able to have an awesome time when you want to, but given you have to it is an amazing place to get some serious psetting done. The brothers here almost seem to skip that awkward nice to meet you stage I was talking about earlier and seem to go straight into the family stage. The second I walked into PKT they acted as if I had known them for years. Every one of the brothers is an individual with their own interest, yet they all embody a spirit of brotherhood at their core. I think the reason I chose PKT over any of the other fraternities was the fact that I had to put little to no effort in trying to feel like I belonged there. Whether it was learning about breakdancing, almost killing myself on one of those godforsaken Segway with no hands, losing terribly in a massive poker tournament, going parasailing in the Atlantic, or just chilling and having a late night bo wl of jello….. PKT has become another place that I truly consider a family. NOT DONE THOUGH. An important thing about finding a family in a fraternity is that having cool brothers is alright, but being able to find a connection with the guys that will be pledging with you is a key component. I could ramble on for eons about my fellow pledges. They are whiked smahhht, yet at time insainly stupid, tall, short, funny, curious, crative, inquisitive, hard working, etc. etc. etc. I am sure you guys get the picture. The new PKT brtothers are porbably the most individualistic group I have ever met, yet they are a group of people that I could now not see my life without. To anyone who might pledge to a fraternity when coming to MIT all I can say is this, get to know the people. The letters dont make a fraternity, the people make the fraterniy. My brotherhood: Woot Woot I accidentily was the first pledge to PKT. Story for another time. The new associate members of PKT (And then one of roomates, can you figure out which one is the roomate???) And we cannot forget the beautiful rush girls and house friends of PKT! Dinner with the Family. A special shoutout to the sorority APhi for being an awesome audience for the PKT serenades. A second shout to the amazing sorority SK for also being an outsdaing audience for PKTs serendes. PKT Pinning Ceremony: The best looking group For obvious reasons. Special shout out to my PKT big brother Kevin Palisoc. Despite his subpar pinning skills he is the best big a guy could ask for. Guy in the front left breakdances.. Enough said. This pic is pretty binary.. Jokes Yet another shout out to Justin Martinez (far back in glasses), the brother in charge of getting the new pledges integrated into the brotherhood. This is the I didnt know we already took pictures so we have to get all of the guys back together again picture. Guy in the middle break dances. Enough said The haha we have beards and you dont pic Shoutout to Marcos on the right for taking all of these beautiful pictures (well except for this one obviously). I call this pic the mullet smooth in the front, party in the back. The new kids on the block.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Profile of Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli, Aztec God of Fire
Among the Aztec/Mexica the fire god was associated with another ancient deity, the old god. For this reason, these figures are often considered different aspects of the same deity: Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli (Pronounced: Way-ue-TEE-ottle, and Shee-u-teh-COO-tleh). As with many polytheist cultures, ancient Mesoamerican people worshiped many gods who represented the different forces and manifestations of nature. Among these elements, fire was one of the first to be deified. The names under which we know these gods are Nahuatl terms, which is the language spoken by the Aztec/Mexica, so we don’t know how earlier cultures knew these deities. Huehuetà ©otl is the â€Å"Old God†, from huehue, old, and teotl, god, whereas Xiuhtecuhtli means â€Å"The lord of Turquoise†, from the suffix xiuh, turquoise, or precious, and tecuhtli, lord, and he was considered the progenitor of all gods, as well as the patron of fire and the year. Origins Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli was an extremely important god beginning in very early times in Central Mexico. In the Formative (Preclassic) site of Cuicuilco, south of Mexico City, statues portraying an old man sitting and holding a brazier on his head or his back, have been interpreted as images of the old god and the fire god. At Teotihuacan, the most important metropolis of the Classic period, Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli is one of the most often represented deities. Again, his images portray an old man, with wrinkles on his face and no teeth, sitting with his legs crossed, holding a brazier on his head. The brazier is often decorated with rhomboid figures and cross-like signs symbolizing the four world directions with the god sitting in the middle. The period for which we have more information about this god is the Postclassic period, thanks to the importance that this god had among the Aztec/Mexica. Attributes According to the Aztec religion, Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli was associated with ideas of purification, transformation, and regeneration of the world through fire. As the god of the year, he was associated with the cycle of the seasons and nature which regenerate the earth. He was also considered one of the founding deities of the world since he was responsible for the creation of the sun. According to colonial sources, the fire god had his temple in the sacred precinct of Tenochtitlan, in a place called Tzonmolco. Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli is also related to the ceremony of the New Fire, one of the most important Aztec ceremonies, which took place at the end of each cycle of 52 years and represented the regeneration of the cosmos through the lighting of a new fire. Festivities Two major festivities were dedicated to Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli: the Xocotl Huetzi ceremony, in August, associated to the underworld, the night, and the dead, and a second one which took place in the month of Izcalli, at the beginning of February, related to light, warmness and the dry season. Xocotl Huetzi: This ceremony was related to the collection of the fruits of the earth and the ritual death of plants. It involved cutting a tree and placing an image of the god on the top. Copal and food were then offered to the tree. Young men were encouraged to climb the tree to get the image and gain a reward. Four captives were sacrificed by being thrown into a fire and by having their hearts extracted.Izcalli: This second festival was dedicated to regrowth and regeneration, and the beginning of the new year. All lights were shut down at night, except for one light placed in front of the gods image, including a turquoise mask. People brought game, such as birds, lizards, and snakes, to cook and eat. Every four years, the ceremony included the sacrifice of four slaves or captives, who were dressed like the god and whose bodies were painted in white, yellow, red and green, the colors associated with the worlds directions. Images Since early times, Huehuetà ©otl-Hiuhtecuhtli was portrayed, mainly in statues, as an old man, with his legs crossed, his arms resting on his legs, and holding a lit brazier on his head or back. His face shows the signs of age, quite wrinkled and without teeth. This type of sculpture is the most widespread and recognizable image of the god and has been found in many offerings in sites such as Cuicuilco, ​Capilco, Teotihuacan, Cerro de las Mesas, and the Templo Mayor of Mexico City. However, as Xiuhtecuhtli, the god is often represented in pre-Hispanic as well as Colonial codices without these characteristics. In these cases, his body is yellow, and his face has black stripes, a red circle surrounds his mouth, and he has blue earplugs hanging from his ears. He often has arrows emerging from his headdress and holds sticks used to light fire. Sources: Limà ³n Silvia, 2001, El Dios del fuego y la regeneracià ³n del mundo, en Estudios de Cultura Nà ¡huatl, N. 32, UNAM, Mexico, pp. 51-68.Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo, 2002, Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli en el Centro de Mà ©xico, Arqueologà a Mexicana Vol. 10, N. 56, pp 58-63.Sahagà ºn, Bernardino de, Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espaà ±a, Alfredo Là ³pez Austin y Josefina Garcà a Quintana (eds.), Consejo Nacional para las Culturas y las Artes, Mexico 2000.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Sociology Poverty and Stratification - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 791 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/17 Category Sociology Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Living with a poverty level income is a difficulty facing many people around the world; poverty is a cultural universal, or trait found in every known culture – not an expression of individual differences. The most basic explanation for this is the trend towards social stratification, the system by which society organizes itself into a hierarchy. In some cultures this is manifest in the form of a caste system in which people who are in poverty have little to no chance of escaping it. In the United States the system is more in the form of a class system in which there is at least some degree of social mobility, and less status consistency allows people in poverty to have the possibility of changing their social status, but rarely the opportunity to do so. In the majority cases the most desirable situation is a meritocracy which ranks people based solely on personal achievements, or achieved status, rather than ascribed status such as being born into a ‘poorâ₠¬â„¢ family. Structural social mobility has resulted in a shift of social position for large numbers of people due to changes on a societal level, but these changes have had both upward and downward effects. The Davis-Moore thesis explains that social stratification has beneficial consequences in society, and is therefore functional, but this has been widely criticized due to its implications that society should prevent the development of individual talent. The resulting system of blue collar occupations versus white collar occupations is easily observed in society today. Around the world a wide variety of people are in poverty. This may be a result of many factors such as a traditional, agrarian society with low income; or a severely stratified economic system as a result of high population growth and little opportunity for education or access to technology. The feminization of poverty also plays a key role in the explanation of poverty worldwide, since there is an increasing trend for more women to be in poverty than men. In the U. S. there are many of the same reason for poverty, but they are more easily defined on the local level. In most cases U. S. citizens who are in poverty are in relative poverty in relation to the rest of the U. S. population; whereas in the world as a whole a greater number of people are in absolute poverty and are barely able to survive on their income, or wages and earnings, and they have very little to no wealth since it is impossible to save any of their money. Ethnocentrism makes it difficult to obtain a clear picture of the conditions of poverty and inequality in other nations and cultures. There are many theories concerning the causes and solution for poverty in the global economy. The two major theories are the modernization theory which explains inequality in terms of technological and cultural difference between nations, and the dependency theory which explains poverty in terms of the historical exploitation of poor, or low-income, nations by rich, or high-income, nations. This theory has manifest itself in a new way in today’s world in the form of neocolonialism; economic exploitation by multinational corporations. Race and ethnicity is key factor to poverty in the U. S. since an African-American is three times more likely to be in poverty than a non-Hispanic white. People with different ethnic backgrounds may experience alienation, or discrimination as a result of their differences with the people around them. Blaming the victim is a common explanation for poverty, but it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny since there are countless factors not all of which can be controlled by the victim or anyone. Gender stratification is another cause of poverty in the U. S. This social structure makes it difficult for a woman especially a single mother to both have a job and to raise children due to the preferential treatment of men in our society, or patriarchy and sexism. This double standard is often explained by the sociobiological argument that men are stronger than women due to natural selection. Age may also play a role in creating poverty. Ageism has made it very difficult for the elderly to advance in society. Young people assume that the elderly are either completely dependent or independent and they rarely will offer reasonable assistance for the elderly. The U. S. and other countries provide aid for those in poverty but rarely have structures in place to prevent people from reaching a state of poverty. Examples of such are shelters, soup kitchens, free clinics and government programs such as TANF or food stamps. In many cases these forms of aid are too temporary or not extensive enough to permanently pull a person or family out of poverty. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sociology: Poverty and Stratification" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dsdds Free Essays
Travis Hunter RL 201 Professor Lauer 11 October 2013 Page 137 Response Sikhnet. com is a website that deals with Just about everything that a Sikh needs to know. In addition, it’s a good website for those who are not Sikh’s to gain more knowledge about this particular religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Dsdds or any similar topic only for you Order Now The website contains a great amount of news, past and present about the Sikh religion. Furthermore, it includes blogs where people can talk to each other about the Sikh religion online as well as the Sikh calendar. There are many audio clips as well as quite a few video clips for the visual learner. They thoroughly explain what meditation is and they explain how one would go about meditating. The website includes lectures in case one is looking to practice their religion or if one is Just curious to learn about this unique religion. In addition, the website includes a radio as well as a link to where you can purchase CD’s and DVD’s. The site even includes mobile apps so that you can have easy access on a martphone. I was very surprised that the website even includes a link called â€Å"Sikh Matrimonials†where Sikh’s can enter their information and look for a significant other that is also a Sikh. An event calendar is also available so that they always know what is going on with the Sikh religion. They also make the site kid friendly by having a bunch of different mint-games. Overall, the site essentially has everything that one needs to know about the Sikh religion. How to cite Dsdds, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Clinical Reasoning Cycle Case Study for Healthcare - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theClinical Reasoning Cycle Case Study for Healthcare. Answer: Clinical reasoning cycle is one of the best frameworks that enable healthcare professionals to identify various symptoms that are presented by the clients. This model has steps which when by followed by professionals in a sequential manner, helps them to relate the symptoms with the disorders understand their pathophysiology, identify the biological and social determinants of health and thereby recognize the care priorities (Vlayeyen et al., 2015). Following this, the professionals will set goals and plan their interventions that will e sure safety and quality care of the patients. However, professionals should always focus on providing care that is culturally and ethically justified so that the patient can be satisfied with the care they get. This assignment will mainly portray the ways by which clinical reason cycle helps professionals to handle a critical nursing case and help patents to get the best service. The first step is considering the patient situation. Mrs. McKay is a 86 year old widow who has been transferred to residential aged care named Sunset. She has faced a fall previously that had made her undergo hip replacement in acute care hospital. She had also faced a skin tear after bumping on her wheelie walker. She already has Alzheimers diseases and vascular dementia in the early stage. She is intermittently incontinent as she fails to reach the toilet on time. The second step is called the collecting cues or information through the three steps of reviewing, gathering and recalling information. Mrs.Mckay is currently under medication of Paracetamol, aspirin and desmopressin. She is not compliant with the professionals in her activities of daily life. She used to be a strong-minded person and had strong opinions. Although she needs to walk with wheelie walker, she often forgets it. She is suffering from Alzheimers diseases and vascular dementia that needs to be cared by the professionals. The third step is called the processing of information. It is seen that the patient Mrs. McKay is suffering from early stages of Alzheimers disease and dementia. Researchers are of the opinion that this disorder occurs due to two important abnormalities. Plaques are formed when clumps of proteins called beta-amyloid causes damage and destruction of the brain cells in different ways that mainly participate in cell-to-cell communication. Besides, tangles are also formed when threads of tau protein that mainly helps in carrying nutrients through brain are seen to form tangles (Alvarez et al., 2016). This results in failure of the transport system. These factors both result in destruction of brain cells and result in shrinkage of brain. This affects brain functions like memory and cognitive abilities. Moreover, patient Mrs. McKay had undergone hip replacements following fall, which had compromised her mobility and had made her restricted in her movements. She had always been independent and therefore taking support due to her impaired mobility or inability to conduct ADL have made her agitated and affects her self-respect. Therefore, she might be non-compliant with the professionals as taking helps affects her dignity and self-respect. Another important aspect of care is to take care of her wound that might affect her quality life by providing her with pain. Therefore, this should be taken care of in the nursing care plan. The fourth step is called the identification of the problems by synthesizing of facts. From the above discussion, it becomes quite clear that the patient Mrs. McKay is suffering from a number of issues that should be taken care of. She has developed restricted mobility and often forgot to take up her wheelie walker. Therefore, the first care priority would be to develop intervention for fall prevention so that the patient does not suffer from any falls (Santamaria et al., 2015). The second issue is that she is suffering from early stage of dementia and Alzheimers and therefore, she may be seen to suffer from memory loss, social withdrawal, mood swings, distrust in others, irritability, wandering activities, delusions and many others. Already some form of symptoms are visible in her from now only. Therefore, nursing professionals should try their best to care for her in ways by which she can develop her quality life (Breimaier et al., 2015). Moreover, she has faced a skin tear that ma y be painful to her and may make her suffer during healing of the wound, as she has grown old. Therefore, take these three-care priorities should in consideration. The fifth step is called the setting of goal. The first goal would be to conduct a risk assessment of fall for the patient and thereby taking initiatives by which the environment may be made safe for the patient from fall. Second goal would be to take care of her in way that would help to ensure that her symptoms of Alzheimers and dementia are actively controlled and maintained. The third goal would be her proper wound management so that her skin tear in her knee can be managed effectively. The sixth step is called the action taking stage where the nursing individuals need to take interventions for the care priorities chosen. As she is at a risk of fall in the residential care, a wristband should be first provided to patient Mrs. McKay to help so that the healthcare professionals are aware of her risk for fall. Mrs. McKay should be then transferred near the nurse station so that nurses can attend her immediately when called. As she is intermittently incontinent, this would also help her to prevent her from wetting her bed (Gustavvson et al., 2015). Items should be moved near her bed so that she can easily access them without the need for covering a certain distance. This would reduce the fall hazards. The nursing professionals should also position the beds at the lowest possible position. They should make the sleeping position adjacent to the floor that reduces chances of falls. Moreover, the professionals should allow use of bed rails as well as hand rails in the washr ooms and other places possible so that the Mrs. McKay can seek support to when locomotion (Anderson et al., 2015). Moreover, proper arrangement of bright room lighting should also be done. Mrs. McKay should be also encouraged to take on slippers or soles that are non-skid. The patient should be familiarized with the layout of the room and clutters should be removed from her pathways. No light furniture should be which increases the risk of the patient tumbling down (Dowsett Dowsett, 2015). Too much loose clothes should be avoided as it may increase the chance of fall. The professionals should also collaborate with physiotherapist and occupational therapists that would be having physiotherapy sessions to develop her gait, provide her proper assistive service, and teach het to do light free exercises (Boltz et al., 2016). The second priority would be maintenance of her Alzheimer and dementia disorders. The nursing professionals should assess her though process by evaluating her cogni tive, disorientation, issues with communication or changes in thinking patterns. Mrs. McKay is in her early stages, so these issues are not yet pronounced. However, she gets irritated and does not allow anyone to help her in her activities of daily life. Therefore, it is very important for the nurse to develop a therapeutic relationship with the patient where the patient learns to trust and rely on the professionals. Effective communication in a compassionate and empathetic manner may help in developing bond with the patient. Mainly Mrs. McKay is frustrated and agitated as she used to be independent and strong opinionated woman. As she has to depend on the professionals now, her self-esteem is affected (Farina, Rusted Tabet, 2014). Therefore, the nursing professionals should always respect her dignity and autonomy and should always take her informed consent before undertaking her for any activities of her daily life. The better the bond developed between them, the patient will lear n to rely the nurses and would accept help from her. However, the nurse should never connect any activities that would overpower her presence over the client. The client should be treated in a way where she always feels respected and her consent is prioritized. The better the emotional connection with the patient, Mrs. McKay will have better health outcomes. For her skin tear, the nurse should first monitor the sights around the wound once daily for identifying any color changes, redness, swelling, pain, warmth and others. Depending on the status of the wound, care should be taken about the kind of dressing that it needs like whether the wound is dry or wet. Accordingly, wet or dry dressing, lubricants, hydrocolloid dressings would be provided. A sterile dressing technique would be adopted for preventing infection (Cabrera et al., 2015). Care should be taken so that lessened exposure of the skin tear to moisture takes place from incontinence, wound drainage and perspiration. Proper antibiotics should be given and the patients should be advised to prevent rubbing or scratching. A nutritional diet should be encouraged. The last two stages are effective evaluation followed by reflection of the nursing professionals after application of the intervention. The nurses should evaluate the walking posture and the ability of the patient. The patient should be able to walk properly with a steady gait and should be free from any risks of fall. Secondly, the patient would successfully participate in her ADL activities conducted by the nurses after effective therapeutic relationship development. The nurses should also evaluate the conditions of the wound and the ways it is healing (Muller et al., 2017). After evaluation, the nurse should reflect on the interventions and the ways the patient has responded to all the interventions. From these interventions, the nurses should reflect on the experiences gathered and find out ways by which better quality care can be ensured (Farlow et al., 2016). From the above discussion, it becomes clear about how clinical reasoning cycle has helped nurses to develop proper care plans for the patient named Mrs.Mckay. Moreover, it is also helpful in understanding the pathophysiology and determining the symptoms that need to be treated. Therefore, every nursing professional should know the ways about how to conduct each step properly. This would ensure developing of a care plan that would address all the symptoms of the person and help her to develop better quality life. References: lvarez Barbosa, F., Pozo?Cruz, B., Pozo?Cruz, J., Alfonso?Rosa, R. M., Sanudo Corrales, B., Rogers, M. E. (2016). Factors associated with the risk of falls of nursing home residents aged 80 or older.Rehabilitation nursing,41(1), 16-25. Anderson, C., Dolansky, M., Damato, E. G., Jones, K. R. (2015). Predictors of serious fall injury in hospitalized patients.Clinical nursing research,24(3), 269-283. Boltz, M., Capezuti, E., Fulmer, T. T., Zwicker, D. (Eds.). (2016).Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice. Springer Publishing Company. Breimaier, H. E., Halfens, R. J., Lohrmann, C. (2015). Effectiveness of multifaceted and tailored strategies to implement a fall-prevention guideline into acute care nursing practice: a before-and-after, mixed-method study using a participatory action research approach.BMC nursing,14(1), 18. Cabrera, E., Sutcliffe, C., Verbeek, H., Saks, K., Soto-Martin, M., Meyer, G., ... Zabalegui, A. (2015). Non-pharmacological interventions as a best practice strategy in people with dementia living in nursing homes. A systematic review.European Geriatric Medicine,6(2), 134-150. Dowsett, C., Dowsett, C. (2015). Breaking the cycle of hard-to-heal wounds: balancing cost and care.Wounds International,6(2), 17-21. Farina, N., Rusted, J., Tabet, N. (2014). The effect of exercise interventions on cognitive outcome in Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review.International Psychogeriatrics,26(1), 9-18. 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A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of soft silicone multi?layered foam dressings in the prevention of sacral and heel pressure ulcers in trauma and critically ill patients: the border trial.International wound journal,12(3), 302-308. Vlaeyen, E., Coussement, J., Leysens, G., Van der Elst, E., Delbaere, K., Cambier, D., ... Dejaeger, E. (2015). Characteristics and Effectiveness of Fall Prevention Programs in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review and Meta?Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,63(2), 211-221.
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